How she got started, what she's doing now, & how I'm surviving the life of a Cheer Mom!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Allstars isn't for everyone
In my last post I mentioned that Izzey has been 4 types of 'cheerleader.' Currently she is both a sideline AND competition cheerleader for her school team, but first - she was an "ALL-STAR." Her first all-star team was run by the same gym she'd taken gymnastics from for years. It was a very small program, we travelled locally (the furthest away was a 3 hour drive - still a potential day trip), and the parents had alot of input. Cheer was not the focus at that gym however - gymnastics was - & after Izzey decided that was the way she wanted to go, we found a bigger, cheer and dance gym. Our departure was also spurred by the fact that her first gym was not going to HAVE a cheer team the next year. The following year, we got the "True All-Star experience." It was very different, and difficult... mostly for me. Izzey liked travelling, the make-up, etc - but it was not her best year for cheerleading & developing her skills. The monetary costs outweighed her personal growth, in my mind, & I had a very hard time accepting that decisions would be made by coaches, who had the best interests of the team in mind - as opposed to the best interests of my daughter. There. I said it. I'm a certified "Momma Bear." The coaches are very good, and she not only still tumbles at this gym, she is a dancer there - I simply was not cut out to be an All-Star Cheer Mom. Some of my closest friends are however, & constantly ask me why Izzey hasn't come back. The answer is - I am not cut out for it. One day, she may go back, but right now we are enjoying school cheer & dance at the gym.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
ALL Cheerleaders like Goody Bags!
Back in the day, when I was in school, there was ONLY one type of cheerleader... the type that cheered at the football games! The pretty girls, who always smiled, wore the cute outfits, & tried to get the crowd excited about what the football players were doing on the field. Not so today! In my world, there is at least FOUR types of cheerleaders - & Izzey has been them all! She started off as a "Rec All-star." And this is where I was introduced to goody-bags for cheerleaders. Her team wasn't doing so well, & some of us parents asked the coach what we could do to help our kids enjoy it more - not be so upset when they did poorly. After that year, we moved on to a "true All-Star" team - & the booster club provided the bags... & you guessed it, those that knew me from the previous year, asked me to volunteer to work on them. THAT was an experience! Last year, we decided to take a break from All-Stars, because Izzey was now old enough to try out for her school team. At Izzeys' school they have BOTH sideline cheerleaders - AND competition cheerleaders! To be on the competition team, you must first make the sideline team. Turns out, school competition cheerleaders do goody-bags too! And although it's different, no competitons, the sideline cheerleaders like little goody bags for parties, fundraisers, etc. So today, I am in my second year as a school sideline AND competition cheer mom - & you guessed it, I'm involved in the goody-bags!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Beads & Bells & Bows - oh my!
So... what do you PUT in a goody bag? Goodies, of course! :-) Really, it depends on the age & preferences of your cheerleader & her squad. Some of the items my daughter has enjoyed over the years are...
Snacks - crackers, candy, cookies, juice bags, juice boxes, & small water bottles.
Hair & makeup type goodies - brushes, combes, clips,rubber bands, scrunchies, nail polish, chap stick, compacts, & nail files.
Spirit stuff - team colored beads, cow bells, noise makers, key chains, luggage tags, scarf (great for cooler games &/or competitions!) & fan pom-poms!
Extras!! - things she (& mom) may need at the current, or next compeition/game! Bobby pins, BLACK (or clear) hair rubber bands, an extra cheer bow, athletic tape in her teams' colors, makeup wipes, & travel detergent pen!
Snacks - crackers, candy, cookies, juice bags, juice boxes, & small water bottles.
Hair & makeup type goodies - brushes, combes, clips,rubber bands, scrunchies, nail polish, chap stick, compacts, & nail files.
Spirit stuff - team colored beads, cow bells, noise makers, key chains, luggage tags, scarf (great for cooler games &/or competitions!) & fan pom-poms!
Extras!! - things she (& mom) may need at the current, or next compeition/game! Bobby pins, BLACK (or clear) hair rubber bands, an extra cheer bow, athletic tape in her teams' colors, makeup wipes, & travel detergent pen!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
What is a "Goody Bag?"
So, what's a "goody bag" & why is it important to a cheer mom? The answer is pretty simple, really... a goody bag is a bag (or other container) full of goodies! Yep - alot like the ones you get, & give, at a kids' birthday party. And why is it important to a cheer mom? Well, here's the thing. You kid puts in ALOT of time, energy, and heart to cheer. Really. 20 years ago, I wouldn't have believed it either, but they do. And when they perform, there is no standing ovation. Not even when they have totally ROCKED!! Best case scenerio, they come home with a trophy... worst, they get nothing. And this is when the goody bags are most important! The girls (& guys) have something to look forward to at the end, no matter what. And hopefully, they feel how much we love them & appreciate their hard work!
So! Where do you start? With the 'bag!' Here are a few examples of things I've used, or my daughter has recieved.
The traditional bag...
The ever popular 'cheer bucket'
and my personal favorite, the more modern, green version... a reusable bag (that makes quite a fashionable purse!) *star in place to cover copyrighted logo*
Monday, August 15, 2011
In the beginning...
It all started on an average Saturday morning, when I recieved a phone call from her gymnastics coach. "We're having tryouts for our cheerleading team today & I'd like Izzey to try out!"
I'd seen the signs at the gym, & ignored them... our lives were busy enough, I didn't need to add THAT to it! But this particular coach had been working with Izzey for 4 years at this point. If she thought it was a good idea, then I'd consider it. So I did- & Izzey wanted to do it. THAT was 4 years ago.
I had no idea what I was getting myself into, how involved I'd become, or that I'd find something for ME in it - but I did! In that first year I discovered that this 'sport' was not that different from the musical theatre I loved when I was young. Seriously - bear with me! They BOTH have music, ALOT of practice, choreography, costumes (yeah, yeah, yeah - they call 'em uniforms, but they are costumes to me!)and stage makeup. Take out the singing from my beloved musical theatre & replace it with bodies being flung & hurdling through the air - and you have cheerleading!
But what got me was something I could do. Something that re-awakened my tired, creative spirit. Something my daughter would enjoy, would make her friends smile, and reward them for all their hard work - no matter the outcome of the competition. Now, don't laugh... I'd found my true love. Goody Bags!!
I'd seen the signs at the gym, & ignored them... our lives were busy enough, I didn't need to add THAT to it! But this particular coach had been working with Izzey for 4 years at this point. If she thought it was a good idea, then I'd consider it. So I did- & Izzey wanted to do it. THAT was 4 years ago.
I had no idea what I was getting myself into, how involved I'd become, or that I'd find something for ME in it - but I did! In that first year I discovered that this 'sport' was not that different from the musical theatre I loved when I was young. Seriously - bear with me! They BOTH have music, ALOT of practice, choreography, costumes (yeah, yeah, yeah - they call 'em uniforms, but they are costumes to me!)and stage makeup. Take out the singing from my beloved musical theatre & replace it with bodies being flung & hurdling through the air - and you have cheerleading!
But what got me was something I could do. Something that re-awakened my tired, creative spirit. Something my daughter would enjoy, would make her friends smile, and reward them for all their hard work - no matter the outcome of the competition. Now, don't laugh... I'd found my true love. Goody Bags!!
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