Thursday, September 8, 2011

ALL Cheerleaders like Goody Bags!

Back in the day, when I was in school, there was ONLY one type of cheerleader... the type that cheered at the football games! The pretty girls, who always smiled, wore the cute outfits, & tried to get the crowd excited about what the football players were doing on the field. Not so today! In my world, there is at least FOUR types of cheerleaders - & Izzey has been them all! She started off as a "Rec All-star." And this is where I was introduced to goody-bags for cheerleaders. Her team wasn't doing so well, & some of us parents asked the coach what we could do to help our kids enjoy it more - not be so upset when they did poorly. After that year, we moved on to a "true All-Star" team - & the booster club provided the bags... & you guessed it, those that knew me from the previous year, asked me to volunteer to work on them. THAT was an experience! Last year, we decided to take a break from All-Stars, because Izzey was now old enough to try out for her school team. At Izzeys' school they have BOTH sideline cheerleaders - AND competition cheerleaders! To be on the competition team, you must first make the sideline team. Turns out, school competition cheerleaders do goody-bags too! And although it's different, no competitons, the sideline cheerleaders like little goody bags for parties, fundraisers, etc. So today, I am in my second year as a school sideline AND competition cheer mom - & you guessed it, I'm involved in the goody-bags!

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