Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is a "Goody Bag?"

So, what's a "goody bag" & why is it important to a cheer mom? The answer is pretty simple, really... a goody bag is a bag (or other container) full of goodies! Yep - alot like the ones you get, & give, at a kids' birthday party. And why is it important to a cheer mom? Well, here's the thing. You kid puts in ALOT of time, energy, and heart to cheer. Really. 20 years ago, I wouldn't have believed it either, but they do. And when they perform, there is no standing ovation. Not even when they have totally ROCKED!! Best case scenerio, they come home with a trophy... worst, they get nothing. And this is when the goody bags are most important! The girls (& guys) have something to look forward to at the end, no matter what. And hopefully, they feel how much we love them & appreciate their hard work!
So! Where do you start? With the 'bag!' Here are a few examples of things I've used, or my daughter has recieved.
The traditional bag...
The ever popular 'cheer bucket'

and my personal favorite, the more modern, green version... a reusable bag (that makes quite a fashionable purse!) *star in place to cover copyrighted logo*

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