So... what do you PUT in a goody bag? Goodies, of course! :-) Really, it depends on the age & preferences of your cheerleader & her squad. Some of the items my daughter has enjoyed over the years are...
Snacks - crackers, candy, cookies, juice bags, juice boxes, & small water bottles.
Hair & makeup type goodies - brushes, combes, clips,rubber bands, scrunchies, nail polish, chap stick, compacts, & nail files.
Spirit stuff - team colored beads, cow bells, noise makers, key chains, luggage tags, scarf (great for cooler games &/or competitions!) & fan pom-poms!
Extras!! - things she (& mom) may need at the current, or next compeition/game! Bobby pins, BLACK (or clear) hair rubber bands, an extra cheer bow, athletic tape in her teams' colors, makeup wipes, & travel detergent pen!
Snacks - crackers, candy, cookies, juice bags, juice boxes, & small water bottles.
Hair & makeup type goodies - brushes, combes, clips,rubber bands, scrunchies, nail polish, chap stick, compacts, & nail files.
Spirit stuff - team colored beads, cow bells, noise makers, key chains, luggage tags, scarf (great for cooler games &/or competitions!) & fan pom-poms!
Extras!! - things she (& mom) may need at the current, or next compeition/game! Bobby pins, BLACK (or clear) hair rubber bands, an extra cheer bow, athletic tape in her teams' colors, makeup wipes, & travel detergent pen!